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How to be happy and fulfilled in retirement - Mastery Course
Introduction to planning a fulfilled SMART Retirement
Welcome to the course (1:52)
What is retirement? (13:28)
Your 'Roadmap for Freedom' workbook
"Am I ready for Freedom?" Assessment Tool
How to feel worthy
Introduction to how to feel worthy (1:09)
How to feel worthy module (16:28)
My new identity exercise PDF
Sense of purpose
Introduction to redefining purpose (1:01)
Redefining purpose module (16:30)
Redefining purpose workbook PDF
Social Network
Introduction to social networks (1:04)
Social network module (19:31)
Socialisation quiz
Nurturing Relationships PDF
Social network layers PDF
Core skills and talents
Introduction to skills and talents (1:12)
Skills and talents workbook PDF
Skills module (39:57)
Daily structure or no structure at all?
Introduction to daily structure (1:16)
Structuring your day module (20:36)
Creating new routines workbook PDF
Relationships in retirement
Introduction to relationships in retirement (1:00)
Relationships in retirement module (21:40)
Relationships in retirement workbook PDF
Other work options
Introduction to other work options (1:04)
Other work options module (21:06)
Other work options for me & Volunteering options PDF
Downsizing and the paperwork
Introduction to downsizing and the paperwork (1:13)
Downsizing and the paperwork module (23:37)
Downsizing and the paperwork PDF
Test you knowledge on the residential care subsidy in NZ QUIZ
Healthy Ageing
Introduction to healthy ageing (1:11)
Healthy ageing module (22:29)
Healthy ageing workbook PDF
Wrap it up
Wrapping it all up in one place (13:03)
Introduction to how to feel worthy
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